A Psoriasis Case, that gave me a new beginning.


Homoeocare clinic

She- Hello, Doctor. This is Mrs.S   (I know her as a relative, hence the family history too). 

As you had suggested we want to try Homeopathy treatment  for my husband’s Psoriasis.

Me- Good. Hows he now?( a concerned me asked)

She- He was good initially but now, it’s getting worse . 

We have already tried Allopathic skin specialist treatment twice.

 Now we do not wish to go for it.

Me- Hmm ( Here I had sensed that she expected me to treat her husband now)

        But Mrs.S my clinic is way too distant for you to travel all the way for the medicine.

 (Mrs. S is a K/C/O cancer breast on treatment)

She- I’m ready to do anything for my husband . 

Please treat him.

Me- (After a long pause taken to think )   

  Ok, I’ll take the case on phone

(they did not have a smart phone for video call) 

and send you the medicines via courier.

She- Thank you so much doctor.(She sounded Happy)


           This was a case of a 75yrs old male patient. He was diagnosed with Psoriasis some 8yrs ago. Allopathy was obviously the first choice of treatment.

 Later as the disease kept waxing and wanning, it became Cumbersome to take those bitter pills and injections. 

Thus they opted for Homeopathy. 

When the case came to me, it was a Chronic case of Psoriasis .

I called up this old man to ask a few questions. He told me in the morning his hair would stand due to  the dried sticky discharge.

 He had lesions on the scalp, back of neck and shoulders, few lesions here and there on the hands.

 Actually I wanted to see his lesions but could not as the old couple didn’t have a smart phone to click a picture. 

Thus his description is all that I had.  

Then few lines from his wife Mrs.S , about his personality and behavior were added to the case. 

I sent him a month’s medicine which I usually do  not do for first consultation. 

 But somehow   I was a bit confident about his case.

 He called me on receiving the medicines. 

I instructed him to take the Powder doses first and then start the pills in water. 

 Taking homoeopathic medicines in water helps to heal faster.

 He religiously followed the instructions. 

Within 15days he called and informed me he’s much better. 

The itching reduced. I asked him to rate the improvement in percentage. 

He said I’m 30% better.

After another week, he called me with concern.

 He said my medicines will get over in another week , please arrange for the next month’s medicine.

 I asked but how are you? He said I’m very  much better. 

You can say there is 70% improvement. 

I can sleep well now. Previously I use to keep scratching whole night.

 The lesions have started drying. 

There is very little discharge. 

I enquired about any new lesions. He told me that since he started with my medicines there were no new lesions.

        Thus I sent him the second month’s medicine via courier again. After that he did not need medicine for Psoriasis from myside.

         Being a doctor I have always been helping people in pain and distress. But this case taught me to break the boundaries and  not to restrict myself. To offer help to patients irrespective of  the distance.

        The same patient got in touch with me after 2years. 

This time, his hands we affected. I somehow managed to visit him so could take pictures.

         His hands were in real bad shape. It was not possible for him to eat food too.

 He improved within 1 month of the medicines. I could get pictures of his improved state too.

PS- Each case is different.  Homeopathy  is an Individualized  system of  medicine.

 It is tailor made. A detailed case is required to prescribe the medicine. 

Some recover in less time, others might take some more time to heal.

 Psoriasis does not have a permanent cure. It keeps waxing and waning.

Dr.Sneha Suryavanshi Porlekar MD(Hom),

Homoeocare Clinic.

Katraj ,Pune

Maharashtra India.

Call on -9168614747 for Appointments.

Video and Phone consultations on prior appointment. 


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