5 Dos & Don'ts for Acidity


5 Dos and Don’ts for Acidity

Are you troubled with acidity or I can say hyperacidity?

If your answer is a YES, here are 5 dos and don’ts to get rid of it.

Similarly I would like to tell you about its causes also. 

But again as I always say, if you don’t like technicalities, directly go to the Dos.

Now what exactly is this acid, and what are the reasons for its increase?

    The gastric juice released by the stomach is one part of the digestive juices formed in our body.
     HCl, i.e. hydrochloric acid is a component of this gastric juice. It forms 0.4-0.5% of the gastric juice.  
     On an average, the stomach releases 1.2-1.5 litres of gastric juice daily. It means 6-7.5 ml of acid is released on a daily basis. 
     The juice along with the acid ,mixes with the food and helps in its breakdown. Problem arises when this acid is not utilized.
      It collects there and irritates the stomach lining and if regurgitates ,then causes heartburn too. 

What leads to the rise in level of the acid in the stomach?

  • Long hours of fasting                             
  • Irregular meal times
  • Eating spicy food
  • Lack of sleep
  • Excess tea drinking
  • Stress
  • Obesity 


1. Have 5-6 black raisins first thing in the morning. If soaked better, if not still you can have it. It aids in digestion .

2. Eat 5-6 meals a day.

8-9am- Breakfast

11am- Fruit

1-2pm- Lunch

4-5pm- Snacks first, then tea

8pm- Dinner

If you have dinner at 9 or 10pm, just add another fruit/snack at 7pm.

But if you are the only 3 meals person, doesn’t matter. I have a solution for you too.

      Have your meals on time. Follow point 3 about water strictly. Quickly munch on 2biscuits before you gulp your tea. Once a day replace the  tea  between  meals ,with a fruit juice or chaas/buttermilk. 

     By following this ,you will use the acid released by your stomach in a positive way. It will be utilized to digest the food you eat.

3. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. This washes out the acid. Keeps you hydrated & improves your skin too.

4. Always carry a fresh fruit or some dry fruits  and a water bottle in your bag. So that you can just have it quickly if your running out of time.

5. Have gulkand on empty stomach and saunf(fennel seeds) or बडीशेप + ajwain or ओवा (carom seeds) after meals.


1. Never have tea on an empty stomach. It harms your stomach lining.

2. Don’t starve for long hours. It increases the acid levels.

3. Have your meals on time. Your brain programs your stomach to release acid at regular meal timings. 

    If the stomach doesn’t receive food at that time, the unused acid level rises and irritates the stomach lining and starts burning it.

4. Don’t over eat at late night. Already you have disrupted the stomach schedule. Now if you overload it, the stomach will get upset for sure.

5. Maintain proper sleep routine of 7 to 8hrs a day. Do not sleep immediately after food. Lack of sleep again invites stomach troubles.

       Acidity caused for a long duration of time leads to gastritis and gastric ulcers too. Thus after trying these dos and don’ts if you still face issues do let us know.

      With the help of homeopathy we can give you relief. 

     There is no harm in trying homeopathy. Homeopathy works on holistic principle. It will consider your mind and body while prescribing for you.

Dr.Sneha Suryavanshi Porlekar MD(Hom),

Homoeocare Clinic.

Katraj ,Pune

Maharashtra India.

Call on -9168614747 for Appointments.

Video and Phone consultations on prior appointment. 


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