
Subconjunctival haemorrhage treated within 8days with homoeopathy- A case report.

  Title-   Subconjunctival   haemorrhage treated within 8days with homoeopathy- A case report . Keywords - Sub-conjuctival haemorrhage   , pathological prescription Introduction - Subconjuctival Haemorrhage is common, since the vessels are loosely supported. Rupture of a conjuctival blood vessel causes a bright red, sharply delineated area surrounded by the normal appearing conjunctiva. Aetiology - 1.       Traumatic 2.       Infective 3.       Mechanical 4.       Arteriosclerosis and hypertension 5.       Blood dyscrasias: Leukaemia, purpura, haemophilia, etc. 6.       Vicarious menstruation 7.       Idiopathic                        Fate of the hemorrhage - At first it is bright red in colour. This is due to the oxyhaemoglobin, as it is in constant contact with atmospheric oxygen. Subsequently it changes its colour and lightens. Ultimately gets absorbed within 2 to 3 weeks if left untreated.       Case Report A 50yr old female came to my clinic w

A Psoriasis Case, that gave me a new beginning.

  Homoeocare clinic She - Hello, Doctor. This is Mrs.S    (I know her as a relative, hence the family history too).  As you had suggested we want to try Homeopathy treatment   for my husband’s Psoriasis. Me - Good. Hows he now ?( a concerned me asked) She - He was good initially but now, it’s getting worse .  We have already tried Allopathic skin specialist treatment twice.  Now we do not wish to go for it. Me - Hmm ( Here I had sensed that she expected me to treat her husband now)         But Mrs.S my clinic is way too distant for you to travel all the way for the medicine .  (Mrs. S is a K/C/O cancer breast on treatment) She - I’m ready to do anything for my husband .  Please treat him . Me - (After a long pause taken to think )       Ok, I’ll take the case on phone (they did not have a smart phone for video call)  and send you the medicines via courier. She - Thank you so much doctor .(She sounded Happy)              This was a case of a 75yrs old male patient. H

Exercise- To do or Not do to

     Exercise is basically a physical activity which aims at keeping a person healthy. So obviously, you will be benefitted if you exercise or lose onto few things if you don’t. But how does it make you healthy?? What changes it brings about in your body?? Should you start exercising once and for all?? Read this tiny post to get all your answers.      What happens when you exercise?? 1. Muscles are put in action. This leads to using up of energy/burning calories you have collected by eating your food. 2. Tightens the muscles , thus keeps you in shape . 3. It prevents from deposition of fats in the body . 4. Helps to regulate the bodily functions   eg. Hormone secretions , digestion etc. In other words helps boost metabolism. 5. Makes you feel fresh and energetic   When you exercise endorphins are released. These are mood elevating hormones. All said and done. This is just a piece of information, putting it to use is upto you.       If you find it logical, act upon

6 Pointers about Sinus problem or Sinusitis

  1.What is Sinusitis? Sinusitis  is basically inflammation (redness + swelling + pain) of the sinuses.  Sinuses are air spaces in the bones of the face.  There are various types of sinusitis depending on which sinus is affected. Acute sinusitis is of a recent origin, fresh episode.  Whereas Chronic sinusitis is a condition, in which patient is suffering since many months. The location of three of these sinuses   can be pointed out , like 1.   below the inner end of both  the eyebrows (Frontal sinus), 2.   between the nose and the cheek bones (maxillary sinus) , 3.sides of the nose (anterior ethmoidal sinus).  4. and 5. The other sinuses ( posterior ethmoidal and sphenoidal sinuses) cannot be pointed out as they are deeply situated in the bones. It can be triggered by- forcibly blowing the nose, any viral which has caused cold and cough can also lead to sinusitis.  While swimming, water might enter the sinuses causing infection.  Any dental infection might also spread to the sinu

10 Tips to avoid weight gain, this Diwali.

   The festival time is arriving.  Plans of making and ordering sweets have started.  It has already lead to dreaming and drooling of the most awaited sweets and savories. Are'nt you too excited? But is something holding you back? If I'm not wrong, its the fear of weight gain, Right? You don't need to worry about that. Just follow the tips given below. 1. Get up early. It gives a festive feeling too.       Go for a morning walk everyday from the week of diwali or if possible before that.      Spend 30mins brisk walking and if you jog for 10mins out of it,nothing like it. 2. Have the sweets and namkeens for breakfast. Do not eat it as an add on to the existing breakfast. It will be an overload.      Avoid eating sweets along with a meal. You can have it as a mid meal snack. 3. Walk for about 10 mins after every meal. 4. Drink atleast 2 1/2 to 3litres of water everyday. It will improve your skin too. 5. Add a bowl of salad and a glass of buttermilk to your mea

10 Daily nutrition tips to cook healthy meals.

You all must be aware of the saying, ‘ The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach ’. But I have a slightly different version, “ The way to a man’s health is through nutritious food” .         Cooking tasty food is not enough. The heart (of men, women and children)   in today’s day is vulnerable to various diseases. It is in need of   balanced and nutritious food .     So if you want your loved ones to live a healthy life, go through the tips and practice them   in your kitchen. 1.Use only 1/2 litre oil+ghee per person in the family per month.  For eg. If there are 4 persons in the family , they should together consume  2litres of oil + ghee .  Get  different types of oils for  getting the nutritional benefits of all of them. *Make dosas without oil. *Most of the times, shallow fry food items instead of deep frying. *Try using the appam patra for making wadas , manchurian etc. It will need very small quantity of oil. *Cook chicken, mutton in the cooker , it requires l