A Psoriasis Case, that gave me a new beginning.

Homoeocare clinic She - Hello, Doctor. This is Mrs.S (I know her as a relative, hence the family history too). As you had suggested we want to try Homeopathy treatment for my husband’s Psoriasis. Me - Good. Hows he now ?( a concerned me asked) She - He was good initially but now, it’s getting worse . We have already tried Allopathic skin specialist treatment twice. Now we do not wish to go for it. Me - Hmm ( Here I had sensed that she expected me to treat her husband now) But Mrs.S my clinic is way too distant for you to travel all the way for the medicine . (Mrs. S is a K/C/O cancer breast on treatment) She - I’m ready to do anything for my husband . Please treat him . Me - (After a long pause taken to think ) Ok, I’ll take the case on phone (they did not have a smart phone for video call) and send you the medicines via courier. She - Thank...