
Showing posts from August, 2020

5 Dos & Don'ts for Acidity

  5 Dos and Don’ts for Acidity Are you troubled with acidity or I can say hyperacidity? If your answer is a YES, here are 5 dos and don’ts to get rid of it. Similarly I would like to tell you about its causes also.  But again as I always say, if you don’t like technicalities, directly go to the Dos. Now what exactly is this acid, and what are the reasons for its increase?     The gastric juice released by the stomach is one part of the digestive juices formed in our body.      HCl, i.e. hydrochloric acid is a component of this gastric juice.  It forms 0.4-0.5% of the gastric juice.         On an average, the stomach releases 1.2-1.5 litres of gastric juice daily. It means 6-7.5 ml of acid is released on a daily basis.       The juice along with the acid ,mixes with the food and helps in its breakdown. Problem arises when this acid is not utilized.       It collects there and irritates the stomach lining and if regurgitates ,then causes heartburn too.   What leads to the rise in l

Heal the heel

    Heal the heel     So, you are here to know how to heal your or may be someone else’s  painful heel?   By the end of the article you will know 1.Why does it happen? 2.What can you do at home?  3.How much time it takes to heal?  4.Does homeopathy have anything to offer? If you don’t like technicalities skip to the first question directly. Plantar fascia  is the thick sole tissue which begins from the heel and ends at toes.  It is the part of our leg which comes in contact with the ground while walking. Inflammation i.e. redness, swelling , heat and pain of this tissue is called Plantar fasciitis.   There is tenderness i.e. pain on touch at the site of the heel bone.   So, many refer to it as heel pain. There are other causes of heel pain too, Plantar fasciitis being one of the common cause. This pain is more in the morning. The first step out of bed is really painful one.   1.Why does it happen? Plantar fasciitis may be caused due to,  Standing for long hours  Improper footwear  Ov

The 6 legged Varicose Story

        Varicose Veins A 72yrs old male consulted me. He had complaints of leg pains.         He said , "the pain was more on the back of the knee. There was an aching sensation in the whole lower leg throughout the day and in calf when I lied down on my bed.        I can’t fold my legs and sit for the prayers". He added, " initially I  thought it was a muscle pull so took some pain killers for it. The pain killers could give me only temporary relief and the pain would return"  .       He did not have any other ailment. Recently on one occasion his Blood pressure was found to be on the higher side.The related investigations were found to be normal,       Otherwise there was no other disease he was suffering from. He takes a multivitamin tablet regularly as it gives him a fresh feeling he says. Occasionally he consumes the Hajmola (Ayurveda digestion pills) pills.          When I examined him, I found out he had varicose veins. After telling him his diagnosis, I k

8 C’s about Corns.

    Corns       Corn is a horny thickening of the skin.        It is cone shaped with its apex pointing inwards and its base on the skin surface. 1.Commonly seen on toes and feet . It is commonly seen on the sole of the feet(though sometimes found on fingers)   2. Caused due to friction . They are mainly formed at non weight bearing parts .The ill fitting or high heeled shoes puts pressure on the toes. Wearing shoes without socks also exposes the feet  to friction .              3. Circumscribed & horny in texture. They are circular and pointed towards the inside hence pricking pain is experienced. There might be central hard tissue or soft depending upon type of corn. 4.Composed of  keratin masses. Corns are formed of the keratin tissue , the tissue which forms hair , nails etc. It consists of dead skin cells.   5.Changing the footwear is helpful. Always buy comfortable footwear. Choose the ones which allow your toes to wiggle when wearing them. Use cushioned footwear. 6.